Biweekly Report (October 1 — October 15)
3 min readOct 22, 2020


Section 1: ZB Token Trends

1、 On October 10, announced that Rocket Finance, an aggregate liquidity mining platform, has supported ZB liquidity mining. In order to develop more DeFi application scenarios, released a total of 40 million ZB points based on TrueChain, and will destroy the corresponding and same number of ZB points on the old contract address. Rocket finance, an aggregate liquidity mining platform on the TRUE network, now supports QC liquidity mining.

Section 2: Platform Trends

1、 From October 1st to October 7th, sprinkled millions of red envelopes during the National Day holiday. At 8 o’clock every night during the event, sprinkled millions of QC red envelopes in the red envelope chat group of China currency APP. CEO Ouma also attended the hot chat group during the Red Packet Rain event to launch an online live broadcast to explain IPFS and Filecoin to community users.

2、 On October 9, supported the replacement of LEND smart contract with AAVE. According to Aave’s official statement, Aave has initiated the conversion of the original LEND tokens into the new AAVE tokens at a ratio of 100LEND:1AAVE through smart contracts, and new AAVE holders will be able to participate in the governance of the Aave protocol protocol based on the weight of the tokens. According to the official announcement of, will support the replacement of LEND (Aave Protocol) smart contract with Aave Protocol (AAVE). After the replacement, users will hold AAVE.

3、 On October 11, announced the FIL6Z delivery rules and launched FIL trading. According to the official announcement, within 180 days after the mainnet launch, will make available FIL6Z balances for all users’ spot accounts from 16:00–16:30 daily. On the 180th day after the mainnet launch, the platform will stop all FIL6Z transactions and deliver all the remaining FIL6Z.

4、 On October 11, announced QFIL exchange rules. According to the official announcement, after the Filecoin mainnet went live, within 15 to 30 days after the official release of the space race currency officially distributed by Filecoin, Quickcash is responsible for 1:1 unlimited exchange of QFIL (no need to wait for 180 antennas to be released). At that time, the ZAPP in the APP will be launched on QuickCash’s QFIL redemption application, and users can go to the ZAPP to redeem themselves. Then the price of QFIL exceeded the price of FIL for a short time, an increase of 52%.

5、 On October 15, opened the Filecoin event month. The first wave of activities is “Deposit FIL to share 40,000 USDT Rewards” and “Trade FIL to Win 30,000USDT” activities. It is reported that both events will last until 14:00 on October 22. Users can share a total of 70,000 USDT rewards by successfully recharging FIL to from external platforms and participating in the FIL trading competition.

Section 3: Operation Trends

At 18:00 on October 13, the online live broadcast with the theme “Why is QFIL so hot” was successfully opened in the Filecoin hot chat group in the APP. This event invited Neaco, Vice President of QuickCash Asia Pacific, and Jessica, Business Director of to share.


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